Mostly, people just throw it away after use. In fact, the benefits of shell eggs can not be underestimated. When to throw it, it means we have lost a lot of health benefits from it.
Eggshells are a rich source of calcium, and her body absorb calcium more easily compared to other types of calcium.
Calcium contained in an eggshell, actually similar to that of human bone and teeth. Calcium not only to the bone, but it is also required by the nerves and muscles of the body.
As quoted from page, here's how sederahan how to use this salubrious eggshell.
First, boil an egg in 10 minutes. this is to eliminate the bacteria. then, chill. After that, mash until you get the flour.
Make sure you store the flour in a sterile glass.
Use flour eggshell calcium as a natural alternative or add to your serealfavorit. [
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