Scientists Prove Life After Death


Scientists claim have found the ' proof ' of life after death. Scientists say, people who have death was still ' remain conscious

In a study of more of 2,000 people, the scientists the origin United Kingdom affirm that awareness There remains even though people have been died. They also found convincing evidence about experience the moment the patient is suspended.

Previously, most scientists believe the brain stop all 30 seconds after the activity of the heart stop pumping blood throughout body, and consciousness also stops at the same time.

But research at the University of Southampton show otherwise. A new study show people continue to experience his consciousness until 3 minutes after death.

"Contrary to the perception During this time, death is not a defining moment but a certain process potentially be restored that occurs after a severe illness or the accident caused the heart, lungs and brain to stop functioning, "said head researcher, Sam Parnia.

"If attempts are made to restore this process successfully, referred to as ' hit heart '; However, if this effort does not successfully called ' death ', "added He is.

Remember When Dead

From 1,731 patients in Austria, America, and the United Kingdom, who interviewed During study – the survivors from heart attacks, 40 percent claims to be able to remember some of the the form of consciousness after the stated clinically died.

"It shows people have a mental activity time died but then lost their memories after the process recovery, either due to the effects of brain injury or a sedative, "explained Parnia.

Only two percent of patients can describe their experience consistently while suspended. About half of the respondents says their experience when suspended raises fear.

Scary stories of Patients Die Suri

Perhaps the most significant findings from the This study was the recognition of a 57 year old man who is believed to be the first confirmed patient experience the death of the Queen. After suffered a heart attack, patients the claims to be able to remember What's happening around him with scary accuracy while suspended animation.

"This is important, because the experience During suspended frequently assumed as hallucinations or illusions happened well before the heart-stopping or after the heart beat back. In this respect, awareness and the experience seems to have happened during the the three-minute period when there is no heartbeat. "

"This is a mystery, because the brain usually not functioning within 20-30 minutes after the heart stops on and off again until the heart back beat. In addition, the memory detailed visual awareness consistent with the events that have verified, "Parnia said.

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