Presence devices often make children spend more time in the house. Children also become less exposed to sunlight. According to research...
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Best Time to Have Sex Age Appropriate
Having sex is a spontaneous action. However there are times when the libido is higher than usual, and it depends on the age. 20s, 50s, ...
3 Things It Can Trigger Female Sexual Arousal
Not only men can lose sexual desire, women are also vulnerable to the same thing. However, unlike men, women do not really need supplem...
Problematic Sexual Life, Sex Therapist Should Visit
Most couples hesitate to consider sex therapy. In fact, the sex therapist offering solutions to sexual problems. Because, a sex therapi...
Sex Position 5 Matches Rainy Season
To warm the body in the rainy season, couples tend to want more sex. This moment becomes a very good time to try out a variety of new s...
Six Tips For Healthy sleep
Sleep at night is very important for your health. there are some important factors that can affect your sleep. Any tips? Quoting from B...
Sex Makes Women More Brain Memory Sharp
Recent research shows sex can help train the memory sharpness women. According to the researchers, sexual intercourse or sex can stren...
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