Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016
Six Tips For Healthy sleep
Sleep at night is very important for
your health. there are some
important factors that can affect
your sleep. Any tips?
Quoting from Boldsky, Monday
(12/05/2016), when you do not
have a good sleep, it greatly
affects the activity throughout the
day. You tend to feel tired and
restless. There are several studies
that concluded that sleep
deprivation causes some
accidents while driving and even
at home.
If one lacks sleep it brought a
change in hormone levels and
people tend to eat more, they tend
to gain weight as well. Also, the
memory will be affected and
people find difficulty in thinking
and remembering other things.
Lack of sleep can cause untold
health problems as well. High
blood pressure, heart problems
and diabetes is one of them. To get
rid of these problems a lot of
people take sleeping pills and their
addicts. It really is not healthy as
it can cause some side effects.
Therefore, the best way is by
taking certain precautions. Here is
a list of some easy tips that will
help you to sleep better and more
1. Go the road - the road in the
It is not only to make the brain
more fresh but with a walk in the
morning which leads to sweating
will help a person to sleep better.
2. Never pass breakfast
Have a good breakfast, the first
meal in the morning is very
important. How you breakfast has
an impact on the sleep cycle.
3. Sports before 4 pm
It is always better to keep your
exercise habits before 16:00.
Exercise increases your heart rate
and levels of adrenalin and this
will prevent one from falling
asleep at night
4. Do not forget to consume
enough mineral water every day
Having a sufficient amount of
water is very important. But when
the body is hydrated it affect one's
sleep as well.
5.Hindari eat meat at night
Meat requires a lot of time to
digest, so when you have it for
dinner that makes it difficult to fall
6. Turn off your phone at night
Blue light often seen in mobile
phones affect the rhythm of your
body and brain. It affects one's
sleep. Because it is always better
to keep the person's phone is
turned off.
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