Sex Makes Women More Brain Memory Sharp

Recent research shows sex can
help train the memory sharpness

According to the researchers,
sexual intercourse or sex can
strengthen women's ability to
recall memories is also the ability
to remember the words.

"The results of this study indicate
that penile-vaginal intercourse
(PVI) has a beneficial effect on
memory function in healthy young
women," said study researcher,

Larah Maunder from McGill
University in Montreal. Previous
findings have reported that sex
may also provide beneficial effects
in animals.

Maunder with colleagues
examined the frequency of sexual
intercourse with a memory
function of the brain in some
students healthy.

To get the effect of the
performance of the brain
associated with sexual
intercourse, the researchers asked
78 heterosexual women aged 18 to
29 years, to complete the paradigm
of computer memory consisting of
abstract words and faces.

The results, published in the
journal Archives of Sexual
Behavior showed that frequency of
sex is positively associated with
scores of memory to remember
abstract words, but not to
remember the face.

The researchers concluded that
sexual activity affects the growth
of new tissue in the hippocampus
of the brain, which is thought to be
the emotional center,

memory, and autonomic nervous
system. "Because the memory of
the brain to store and recall words,

it largely depends on the
hippocampus," says the
researcher. While memory to
remember the faces, most of these
require extra-hippocampal
structures. Quoted from Boldsky,
Tuesday (12/05/2016)

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