This result Rarely If Children Exposed to Sunlight

Presence devices often make
children spend more time in the
house. Children also become less
exposed to sunlight.

According to research from the
London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, rarely exposed
to ultraviolet B rays from the sun
can increase the risk of children
experiencing myopia.

Myopia or nearsightedness in
children is usually influenced by
genetic and environmental factors.
If children are more often exposed
to ultraviolet B rays, the risk of
developing myopia decreased.
A previous study of adults also
found a link between myopia and
ultraviolet B. The study, led by Dr
Astrid E. Fletcher of the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, has conducted eye
examinations to 4166 people.

Research has shown that exposure
to UVB rays at the age of 14-19
years and 20-39 years can lower
the risk of myopia. That study
concluded, that can damage
children's eyes it was not just
because it is often stared at the
display device, but kuramg
exposure to sunlight.

Researchers advise parents to not
allow their children to keep in the
house. Let the children play
outside the home, such as playing
in the park with friends theme or
cycling. Outdoor play was good for
child development.

Exposed to the sun, especially in
the morning not only to nourish the
eye. Sunlight helps the absorption
of vitamin D is also needed for the
growth of children.

According to researchers,
exposure to sunlight in childhood,
both for health in the future.

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