Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017 News Shocking discovery of the historians: They’ve met Trump in the Holly Bible?!?!? The historians identify the name of Donald Trump with the eponymous term (“TRUMP”) from the British version of the Holly Bible, whi...
20.11 Health Heart-Healthy Tips for Your Grocery List A healthy heart begins with what you eat, and one way to shop for groceries wisely is to start with a list, a cardiologist recommends...
19.38 cooking recipes Recipes Palak Khichadi (Spinach Rice) Ingredients 1 Bunch Fresh Spinach 1 cup Chopped Coriander 1 Cup Rice 1 Cup Moong Daal 2 tbsp Ginger Garlic Crushed 2 ...
19.30 cooking recipes Recipes Neapolitan dream cake One of the most delicious cakes I've ever had the privilege of making and it makes alot of cake for not alot of money Ingredie...
16.56 Resep Masakan Resep Bumbu Ayam Pop Padang Favorite Para Artis Ayam Pop Padang Favorite para artis Ayam pop merupakan masakan olahan ayam khas Sumatera Barat yang sangat populer dan sering dijumpa...
16.36 Resep Masakan Resep Bumbu Ayam Penyet Spesial Ayam Penyet Spesial Resep dan Cara Membuat Ayam Penyet Spesial Bahan-Bahan: • 1 Kg ayam segar, potong 4 bagian • 2 ruas len...
15.59 Resep Masakan Resep Bumbu Ayam Pelalah Khas Bali Ayam Pelalah Khas Bali Ayam Pelalah merupakan salah satu makanan khas Bali yang cukup banyak diminati, apalagi disajikan bersama samb...