Causes of Dizziness Current Sense Rose from Lounge

Feeling dizzy and lightheadedness
when rising from a seated may
signal a health problem that can
not be underestimated.

Mostly, feeling dizzy when
standing from sitting not serious.
"Dizziness that occurs due to a
sudden drop in blood pressure.
When we stand fast, gravity will
pull blood to the legs," said
Christopher Gibbons, professor of
neurology at Harvard Medical

To compensate for the decrease in
blood pressure, nervous system
will increase the heart rate and
tightening the blood vessels to
keep blood pressure.

"If the body can restore blood
pressure to normal quickly, then
we will not feel dizzy," he said.
However, if the blood vessels are
relaxed, the process to be
hampered. As a result, blood flow
to the brain less and resulted in us
being dizzy for a few moments.

You will be more likely to develop
it if your blood pressure is low
everyday, or taking hypertension
medications to relax the blood
vessels. Other causes are sitting
too long or dehydration. That is
why we often feel dizzy and faint
as time stood up after a workout or
after long periods in bed due to

Dizziness is generally short-lived
and this is normal. However, if the
dizziness was settled, meaning
there is something more serious.
"It shows the blood pressure drop
and does not recover soon," said

Blood pressure that is too low can
cause fainting and falling. In
addition, the condition can also be
a sign that something in the body
that do not work properly.

The trigger could be due to
diabetes or Parkinson's disease,
diseases that damage blood
vessels and interfere with blood
pressure regulation. You should
consult your doctor.

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