Caution Signs Chest Pain Could Be Blood Clotting

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When the injury, blood clots are
needed to stop the blood from the
wound. But sometimes blood clots
occur when not needed. This
condition can cause problems.
Serious problems can occur when
a blood clot occurs in the deep
veins near your muscles.

According to Luis Navarro, founder
of The Vein Treatment Center in
New York, when a blood clot forms
in a deeper system, they can be
painful and very dangerous.

Freezing is often called deep vein
thrombosis or DVT. This condition
such as travel inhibit blood and
circulatory congestion, preventing
blood flow to all parts of the body.
These conditions can be serious if
DVT away from its original site
and moving to your lungs. This
can lead to pulmonary embolism
(PE) is the freezing that prevents
vital organs get the oxygen and
blood that they need.

Prevention launch, Tuesday
(06/12/2016), the disease can
damage the lungs and other organs
that can be fatal for the body. It's
important for you to recognize the
symptoms of blood clots following
because blood clots can occur at
any time without symptoms are

1. Chest pain

A pain in the chest can make you
think of a heart attack. But this
could be a sign of pulmonary
embolism (PE) or chest pain.
However, pain from PE tend to be
more sharp and piercing as well as
feels worsens when you take a
deep breath. A heart attack often
radiates from the upper area of ​​the
body such as the shoulders, jaw or

2. Shortness of breath or rapid

Blood clots in the lungs inhibits
oxygen flow. When oxygen is low,
your heart beats faster and you
have trouble breathing. You may
also feel faint or even pass out

3. Cough without cause

Cough accompanied by shortness
of breath, rapid heartbeat, or chest
pain can be a sign of blood
clotting. Cough will be dry but
sometimes some people will get a
cough mucus or blood.

4. Swelling in one leg

Leg or arm swelling is one of the
most common signs of DVT. Blood
clots can block blood flow in the
legs and healthy blood clots can
be pooled behind and this causes
swelling. Swelling in the feet may
be normal if it occurs in some
conditions. However, if the legs or
hands swell rapidly and
accompanied by pain, it could be a
sign of DVT.

5. leg or arm pain

Typically, pain DVT occurs in
conjunction with other symptoms
such as swelling or redness.
However, this may also occur
singly. The pain of the blood clot
can be mistakenly interpreted as
muscle cramps or muscle tension.
Pain DVT can happen when you
walk or flex the foot upward.

6. Red lines in the skin

It is true that bruise is a type of
blood clot and is not a thing to
worry about. But you can not look
like a bruise DVT. Typically, you'll
notice some discoloration of
bruising as red stripes along the
veins and make an arm or leg
feels warm to the touch.

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