Difficult Pregnant After Lepas KB, Why

Many women complain so difficult
to get pregnant after stopping birth
control. A woman will feel difficult
indeed pregnant again, if you use
3-month injectable contraceptives.
But that does not mean infertile
due to injectable contraceptives,
you know. Therefore, this claim
must be understood first cause.
The function of contraception or
family planning is to space
pregnancy, not to lose fertility.
That after taking the contraceptive
becomes difficult pregnancy, it is
because the body needs time to
restore fertility. It is associated
with hormone levels that are still
stored in fat and it is reversible
(can be re-appear). This is what
happened to the women who use
injectable contraceptive. The
workings of this model is to curb
the contraceptive hormones that
make the eggs do not ovulate. If it
is too long been suppressed, of
course hormones take a long time
to be normal again, usually around
6-18 months. So, you are using a
contraceptive method suntik- if
you want to get pregnant - should
prepare well in advance, at least
one year prior to stopping the use
of injectable contraceptives. That
is why, a couple who have never
had a baby it is not advisable to
use this model contraception.
Better to use a contraceptive pill
because it does not interfere with
the menstrual cycle, so that the
current consumption of the pill is
stopped, the woman can be
directly pregnant. Then, what
about the IUD alias spiral? It also
will not make it difficult to get
pregnant. However, the use of this
type of contraception does not
match all mothers. For example, if
a woman has frequent complaints
of vaginal discharge, or pelvic
inflammatory infection.

In addition, if the use of IUD to
cause an infection, it could be
because there are adhesions in the
fallopian tubes and surrounding
areas. If you have this, it will
make it difficult to have children
later in life, even spiral has been
removed. To fix this, need to
undergo physiotherapy, blown
(hydrotubation), or even surgery if
perlekatannya great. Actual
infection or side effects from using
this spiral can be prevented if you
regularly see your doctor to check
the spiral. Thus, the cause of
difficult pregnancy after using
contraception could be a lot of,
among others, relating to age,
parity (number of previous
deliveries), and sperm factors.

Moreover, according to medical
records, the character of the
menstrual cycle after taking birth
are generally normal, only 10
percent of cases of impaired
ovulation. While on the Pill for
more than 12 months, generally
cycles become longer and will be
back to normal in 6-9 months.

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