Do Gratuitous Drink Sleep Medicine

Trouble sleeping or insomnia prolonged indeed very disturbing. However, that does not mean can be solved instantly by taking sleeping pills. Sleeping pills
should be obtained as prescribed.

Explained dr. Astuti Sp.S (K) of the
Sleep Disorders Clinic at Hospital
Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta, consumption of sleeping pills should not be arbitrary. "Sleeping pills only be used short term,
should not be too long because it can damage the architecture of sleep, patients can be addiction," said Astuti.

Architecture sleep is a normal sleep cycle that started with drowsiness to sleep in. If disturbed sleep architecture, sleep quality will be worse. In addition, the
consumption of sleeping pills in the long term also can cause excessive anxiety.

Astuti said, before administration of sleeping pills, which have to do is repair the sleeping habits. For example, start thinking positively, creating a comfortable room, limit the time to nap, to arrange to sleep on time.

If by implementing healthy sleep habits no improvement, can be helped with drug consumption. That, too soporific in small doses. Patients who consume drugs should also be evaluated after one
week of usage.

"It remains to be educated patients about healthy sleep. Then evaluated, lest during baseball adherent patients. So do not rush with sleeping pills," said Astuti.

If a week after taking the drug still no improvement, should be replaced with another class of drugs that can repair aritektur sleep. Pick drug side effects are
very small and do not cause addiction.

Even with lesser side effects,
consumption of the drug is still not
recommended more than 10 days.

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