Enough Eating a Single Item Eggs Every Day Reduce Risk of Stroke

A new study that was initiated by the American Egg Board disclosed the fact that eating one egg per day can reduce the risk of stroke.

These findings are based on a systematic review and meta- analysis of comparative studies conducted in 1982 and 2015. Then evaluated the relationship between egg intake and coronary heart disease (276 thousand people) and stroke (308 thousand people).

They found that consumption of one egg every day has nothing to do with coronary heart disease, but there is a reduced risk of stroke is approximately 12 percent.

Because the large size of the egg yolk as little as 6 grams, the egg yolk protein, antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, D and A.

"Eggs have a lot of good nutrients,
including antioxidants that are proven to reduce stress and inflammation. Eggs are also a good source of protein that can lower blood pressure, "said Alexander Kominik EpidStat Institute of the United States, as quoted
Chinadaily, Friday (23/11/2016).

The study also gave support to a healthy diet Dietary Guidelines published in 2015 in the United States. Contained in it, not only to avoid cholesterol foods, but also
regular consumption of eggs as a source of healthy protein. (Hel)

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