Excess Weight Psoriasis Disease Worsens

Skin disorder psoriasis is a
chronic inflammatory diseases and
autoimmune nature. Patients with
this disease are advised to run a
healthy life and keep your weight
steady to prevent complications.
Obesity not only increases the risk
of cardiovascular disease, but also
exacerbate psoriasis disease

"Patients with psoriasis were
obese, the effect will not be good,
that influence to the degree of
severity and the effectiveness of
therapy," said Dr. Zairida Noor,
Ms, SpGK symposium Psoriasis
Concern in Building Ministry of
Health, Jakarta, Saturday

Zairida explained that the
adipocyte fatty tissue excess when
obesity can cause inflammation. If
the patient is obese, the
inflammation of the skin can
become more severe. Finally,
treatment undertaken is difficult to
cope with psoriasis.

Therefore, psoriasis patients have
to overcome obesity in order to
optimize the treatment of
psoriasis. Zairida said, in a
previous study, to overcome
obesity proven helped ease the
symptoms of psoriasis.

According Zairida, the diet to treat
obesity need not vary. Simply by
applying a balanced nutritious diet.
Start by reducing sugar salt, and
fat. Then, multiply the
consumption of 3-4 servings a day
of vegetables and fruit each day
plus a meal. "Obese patients
should be treated. That has not
obesity should be prevented. So
although not yet obese should still
be regulated diet with balanced
nutrition," said Zairida.

Not only diet, resolve the problem
of obesity must be followed by
physical activity. Zairida said,

physical activity is very well done
in the morning after waking up.
Therefore, physical activity in the
morning can increase the body's
metabolism. "When a slow
metabolism, will be directly
related to the formation of
adipocytes network before," he said.

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