Often Difficult Sleep Could Be Signs Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is very common. Are you one of those who have insomnia?

Neurologist and neurology, dr.Astuti Sp.S (K) presented signs of someone experiencing insomnia, among others, difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, and waking up early.

"For example, already lying on the
mattress but can not get to sleep-
sleep. Or if already asleep but wake up frequently. Then, waking up too early, but can not get to sleep again," said Astuti in discussions Danger Insomnia and Its Relation to Disease
Complications Others in Jakarta,
Saturday (23/11/2016).

Insomnia can happen short-term,
intermittent, to long-term, or chronic. There are several factors that lead to insomnia in the short term or temporary, such as stress, changes in extreme environments, jet lag, or even due to side effects of treatment.

If it is chronic insomnia, it is generally influenced by factors of health, lifestyle, and mental health.

Astuti said, a healthy sleep in adults, ie 7-8 hours a day. To start the bed, normally no more than 15 minutes.

But, on the insomnia, could begin to fall asleep an hour later, when in fact already sleepy. If you frequently suffer from insomnia, there are many negative effects obtained by the body.

"The impact of insomnia usually sleepy, more sensitive, forgetfulness, difficulty
concentrating, to the quality of work decreases," said Astuti.

According Asruti, insomnia must be addressed urgently if not go away. If left untreated, insomnia which made sleep quality that can increase the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease,
obesity, and diabetes.

The first thing to do is to first know what causes insomnia. Moreover, this sleep disorder can also occur because of an illness.

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