Red Wine Prevent Damage to blood vessels due to smoking

New research finding drinking red wine before smoking can prevent the harm caused. Chemical in wine can prevent short-term damage on the surface of blood vessels.

In the study researchers investigated the effects of smoking on the blood and the arteries in 20 healthy non-smokers and agreed to volunteer to inhale three

Half of them drank red wine an hour before smoking, eating into the amount calculated will produce a blood alcohol content of 0.75 percent.

Drinking wine was to prevent the release of micro particles from the walls of the arteries, cells platelets and white blood cells are known to indicate damage due to smoking.

Drinking wine before smoking also
reduces inflammation and slows the aging process in cells genetically related enzyme, telomerase accelerated after

Telomerasi activity in volunteers who did not drink wine down to 56 percent after smoking but only down to 20 percent of wine drinkers.

Lead investigator Dr. Viktoria Schwarz of the University of Saarland in Hormburg, Germany, said, "The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of acute
vascular red wine consumption before the" smoke occasionally because of the lifestyle "in healthy people."

"We found evidence of drinking red wine before merokokmencegah most damage to blood vessels caused by smoking," he said

He added that because the study
focused on the young, healthy and do not smoke, the research is still unclear conclude whether this also applies to the elderly, the sick or heavy smokers.

Dr Schwarz stressed his research team do not want to motivate people who rarely smoke to drink red wine or wine drinkers to be smokers.

"However, this study identifies the
appropriate mechanism to explore
the damage and the protection of
human blood vessels and paves
the way towards clinical studies in
the future," he said.

This research has been published
in the American Journal of Medicine.

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