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Pregnant women are advised to
exercise in accordance with the
condition of his health. For
pregnant women who have been
diligent exercise, another
important thing to note is not to
"Want to run was allowed when the
mother is already familiar,
comfortable feel, and not
disturbed. Just do not forget to
drink. Had to drink before
exercise, for a moment, and after
exercise," said obstetrician and
ginekokogi, Febriansyah Darus in
Jakarta, Wednesday (21 /
During pregnancy, the need
becomes more fluid than
biasanyam. Dehydration feared
could make amniotic fluid
decreases. In fact, the amniotic
fluid is needed to protect the
development of the fetus during
Regarding the type of exercise
during pregnancy, according to
Febriansyah very individual.
Running for example, when it is
used to track previously was not a
problem. However, start with a low
intensity or jog. If you feel
uncomfortable or upset, stop
exercising during pregnancy.
According Febriansyah, safe
exercise during pregnancy is
swimming because it does not
burden the body. During
pregnancy, exercise also should
be routinely performed, ie 2-3
times semingu. Except for
pregnant women with certain
medical conditions, is not
recommended exercise.
For example, in a previous
pregnancy had a miscarriage, the
risk of bleeding, or the third
trimester of pregnancy, the unborn
baby is weak.
"Of sport should be evaluated if the
mother had it," said Febriansyah.
consult with your obstetrician if
you want to exercise vigorously
during pregnancy. Health of the
mother and her baby should also
be diligently controlled.
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