How to Provide Food For Children Aged Six Months

Providing complementary foods or
so-called solid foods is very
important for children aged six
months to two years.

According to Dr. Emma Willian, a
nutrition consultant specialist food
program for the transition and
development of children from the
UK provides tips for parents when
they want to provide food for her
baby. He added that the
introduction of food starts with the
type of food in the form of cereals.

"At the initial stage, the baby can
be fed a type of cereal or porridge
filtered finely made from rice,

corn, or grain mixed with milk
commonly drunk baby. Highly
recommended to give one type of
food at every opportunity, so you
can see the baby's reaction to any
one type of food, "said Dr. Emma
Willian, as quoted from the press
release, Jakarta, Saturday

Still according to him, one of the
good cooking methods to make
children's food is by steaming.
This, according to Emma is a
healthy way of cooking.

Steaming is a method of cooking in
a healthy way. Foods that are too
ripe not only relieves, but also
reduce the nutrients contained in
them, "he added

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