The experts said obesity is now a
major cause of cases of deadly
blockage in the brain that can
trigger a stroke.
The increase in the number of
patients aged 35 to 39 years
increased by 147 percent. While
the number of patients in their 40s
also rose to 100 percent. In the
50s, 60s, and 70s, stroke seems to
be an increasingly common
This study was conducted by
researchers from Rutgers
University in New Jersey. They
included more than 200,000 adults
in the United States.
The number of patients
hospitalized due to a blockage in
the brain case was found to
increase by 46 percent in the past
two decades, from 4,260 patients
in 2000 to 6,221 patients in the last
year, and the patient's age ranged
from 40-54 years old.
Last year, the organization Stroke
Association reports an alarming
rise in the number of working-age
adults who fell ill. They found that
obesity has to overtake smoking
as the main trigger stroke, with
cases skyrocketed nearly half fold
among middle-aged men.
Scientists in the Journal of the
American Heart Association warns,
stroke can now kill and cripple
many more people who were
enjoying the prime of their lives,
both in career and households.
Researcher Dr Joel Swerdel of
Rutgers University said, "People
under 50 years old need to be
aware that stroke does not just
occur in old age. It could be worse
than a heart attack, can snatch
your life for 30 to 50 years old with
physical disabilities."
Experts say obesity and poor
eating choices are two things to
blame. They said, "A person born
in 1945 will probably eat porridge
or eggs for breakfast. However,
younger generations are more
likely to eat sugary cereal to be
inclined to taking blood pressure
medication or cholesterol-lowering tablet."
That is why, healthy lifestyle choices is important manifested, especially when age was stepping 30s.
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