The Deputy Chairman of the
National Movement to Guard the
Indonesian Council of Ulama's
Fatwa (GNPF-MUI), Zaitun Rasmin,
said Muslims involved in 'Aksi
Bela Islam' only demanded law
enforcement on the alleged
blasphemy case committed by
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.
Zaitun said that the 212 Rally was
truly monumental. "It was utterly
happened because the help of
God," said him in Payakumbuh,
West Sumatra, on Saturday
(December 31, 2016).
On his speech during a grand
sermon in Baitul Islam Mosque in
Payakumbuh, Zaitun praised
Muslims spirit to struggle, to
sacrifice, and to be united. On the
same occassion, Zaitun who is
also the Chairman of the Ulama
and Dai in Southeast Asia
reminded that the destruction of a
country cannot be avoided when
justice is no longer enforced.
He quoted a hadith by Aisha RA. It
was mentioned in the hadith that
there was a thing led to the
destruction of clans before us. It
was happened when the saints
stole and the leader of the clans
let it, while the sanctions only be
given to ordinary people.
After saying that, Rasulullah SAW
asserted that he would enforced
the law, even if his daughter
violate it. He said that he would
cut Fatima's hand if she, the
daughter of Muhammad, stole.
"Equality before the law should be
enforced. The law should not be
sharp-to-the-down but blunt-to-
the-up," said him.
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